Congratulations to Crowd Lab alumna Rachel Kohler for winning the William Preston Society Award for Outstanding Master’s Thesis at Virginia Tech. The Preston Award recognizes the best original research with the potential to benefit all people. Rachel won in the STEM category, which includes any field of science, technology, engineering, or mathematics at VT.
According to a VT News article, “The William Preston Society is comprised of former members of the Virginia Tech Board of Visitors and the current president and past presidents of Virginia Tech.”
Rachel graduated from VT in 2017 with bachelor’s and master’s degrees in computer science. Her thesis committee was Dr. Luther (chair), Dr. Chris North, and Dr. Mike Horning.
Dr. Luther received an Institute for Critical Technology and Applied Science (ICTAS) Junior Faculty Award. The award includes a two-year, $80,000 grant to support his lab’s research on using crowdsourcing and computer vision to identify people in historical and modern photographs. The co-PI on the grant is Prof. Paul Quigley of Virginia Tech’s History department.
Dr. Luther previously received a $10,000 seed grant from ICTAS to support his research on crowdsourcing and context slices, in collaboration with Dr. Chris North in the Computer Science department.
Dr. Luther, Dr. Andrea Kavanaugh (CHCI), and Prof. Deborah Tatar (Computer Science) participated in a panel at the ICAT PlayDate about the Designing Socio-Technical Systems of Truth workshop.
The slides from the panel are available here. More details on the workshop are available on the workshop website and a previous blog post.
Dr. Luther chaired the “Designing Socio-Technical Systems of Truth” workshop at Virginia Tech on March 1-2, 2018.
The workshop brought together over 50 faculty, student, and staff attendees to discuss the role of social technologies in promoting truth and preventing misinformation. Computer Science, History, Sociology, Communication, and Science and Technology Studies were just some of the disciplines represented by presenters.
Events included a weekly reading group, faculty lightning talks, a graduate student poster session and community reception, and several hands-on working sessions. The workshop also featured invited keynotes by four external speakers: Jay Aronson (Carnegie Mellon), Travis Kriplean (Invisible College), Alice Marwick (UNC Chapel Hill and Data & Society Institute), and Mor Naaman (Cornell Tech).
The workshop was supported by VT’s Center for HCI, ICAT, and Dept. of Computer Science.
More information, including abstracts for the presentations and posters, is available on the workshop website. Tweets and photos are also available on the workshop’s Twitter hashtag, #SystemsOfTruth.
Kurt Luther (left) and students from Northwestern University’s Design, Technology, and Research (DTR) course
Since our Crowd Lab builds and studies crowdsourcing systems, I often think about how our research might apply to ourselves. Research labs can have surprising overlap with online labor markets like Amazon Mechanical Turk and Upwork, in both positive and less flattering ways. Shared characteristics might include transient workers, mixed levels of experience, diverse motivations, technology-mediated interactions, and even geographic distribution (my own group is split across two campuses).
I became more aware of these similarities as my own lab grew. After few grants came through around the same time, I was suddenly fortunate to have money to recruit more grad students, and quickly. Yet, I was also turning away good candidates for undergraduate research because I felt I was at my capacity advising five or even ten students per semester. These are good problems to have, but I wanted to make the most of my opportunities. I wondered: How might crowdsourcing research help me scale up my “crowd”?
Fortunately, some exciting new research suggested answers. Other crowdsourcing researchers, namely Haoqi Zhang and Michael Bernstein, have formalized their lab-building efforts into successful research enterprises, like Agile Research Studios (ARS) and the Stanford Crowd Research Collective, whose findings benefit the broader academic community.
When Haoqi and colleagues published their first paper on ARS at CSCW 2017, I was excited to adapt some of their techniques for my own group. I had already begun integrating agile methods into our project meetings and hired a part-time scrum master. ARS proposed a more comprehensive computational ecosystem, with a strong emphasis on both research and education. I was intrigued, and over the summer and fall of 2017, our lab became more ARS-like.
During this time, Haoqi and I had a few email and in-person conversations about how I was fitting ARS into the unique context of my lab and university. He invited me to visit Northwestern as part of his Agile Research University program. It was an opportunity to see firsthand how his students and colleagues put ARS into practice. I gratefully accepted.
Over a few days in November, Haoqi and his Delta Lab co-directors, Liz Gerber, Matt Easterday, and Nell O’Rourke, immersed me in the ARS experience. I attended lab meetings and project meetings, sat in on the interdisciplinary Design, Technology, and Research (DTR) undergraduate course, participated in pair research sessions, and asked lots and lots of questions. It was an intense, but illuminating experience.
I arrived at Northwestern feeling like I had a pretty solid grasp of the ARS process. I’d read the paper multiple times, implemented some of its components, and discussed it with Haoqi and his PhD student, Leesha Maliakal. However, I found that being there in person allowed for a much deeper understanding.
While Haoqi’s paper clearly outlined the mechanics of ARS, it’s harder to describe the culture that Delta Lab members and the DTR course cultivated. I can at least share some observations that impressed me. I watched students enthusiastically partner up with others whom they didn’t know well, but were eager to help. I saw students vigorously, yet politely, debating the pros and cons of a design alternative. Students bought lunch for their classmates and reflected together on their progress, with remarkable courage and vulnerability.
I discovered that Haoqi and his colleagues had made many small, but important decisions to foster this culture at their institution. Lab meetings begin with playful, positive exchanges. Breathing exercises during class breaks build trust and encourage reflection among students. Haoqi lets students borrow his office for meetings, and its spare, configurable furniture served a wide variety of needs. File cabinets became impromptu seats, and students gathered around an external monitor for a quick demo or critique.
I also noticed how the design decisions enabling ARS, both curricular and environmental, mutually reinforced one another. Students in ARS perform well because they’ve been selected from a large pool and passed a rigorous interview process, but this screening process is scalable because it’s delegated to students. Students tackle ambitious projects requiring diverse expertise because DTR is an interdisciplinary course that draws from multiple majors. Students benefit from peer mentoring and organizational memory because they get course credit for enrolling multiple semesters.
During breaks and over meals, Haoqi and I talked about ways I could bring some of what I’d seen and learned back to my lab at Virginia Tech. We agreed that adaptation was essential. Each institution and group of researchers is unique, and brings its own affordances and constraints. We also agreed that a gradual ramping-up was the best way to proceed, so we talked about prioritizing different pieces of the ARS model.
I left inspired and with detailed plans for the next semester, which I’ve recently implemented. These included a more flexible use of physical space, a shift in meeting structures to encourage undergraduate mentoring, and new digital resources for helping students with long-term planning. We’ll approach this semester’s changes like we have in the past–as an experiment, subject to iterative design and formative evaluation. Based on our past success with ARS techniques, and my experience visiting Northwestern, I’m optimistic.
With their focus on culture as well as process, attention to detail, and systems thinking, Haoqi and his team have created something special. I look forward to capturing some of that magic, to build new connections between my crowdsourcing research and my own work practice.
Dr. Luther was one of four 2017 winners of the NSF CAREER Award who was interviewed for the inaugural issue of VT Engineer magazine. You can read the article here.
Our full paper on CrowdLayout, a system that uses crowdsourcing to design better layouts of biological network visualizations, was accepted for the CHI 2018 conference in Montreal, Canada. The acceptance rate for this top-tier HCI conference was 26% (of 2,590 submissions). Congrats to Crowd Lab alumni Divit Singh and Lee Lisle, and collaborator Dr. T.M. Murali, on this accomplishment.
Dr. Luther will serve as technical papers co-chair, with Dr. Ali Mazalek (Ryerson University), of ACM Creativity & Cognition 2019, to be held in San Diego, CA, and co-located with DIS 2019.