Information Sheet for Participants
in Research Projects Involving Human Subjects
Title of Project: Understanding Technology-Facilitated Genealogical Research
Investigator(s): Principal Investigator:
Dr. Kurt Luther (Associate Professor of Computer Science, Virginia Tech)
Email: Phone: 571-858-3335
Other Investigators:
Fei Shan (Graduate Student, Virginia Tech)
I. Purpose of this Research Project
You are being asked to participate in our research study on how people conduct genealogy research with the support of different tools, computer softwares, and online platforms. We plan to interview genealogy practitioners with different backgrounds and experiences and use such information to develop a deeper understanding of genealogy research practices and challenges with current technology. The results of this study may be published in academic conferences or journals or included in student theses and dissertations. We are recruiting 15-20 adults with various experience in genealogical research.
II. Procedures
If you agree to participate, we will ask you to do the following activities:
- Complete an online pre-survey with some basic information about your demographics (age, gender, etc.) and your experience in genealogy research.
- Participate in an interview about your experiences with genealogy research, including the tools you use, how you learn to conduct genealogy research, how you process genealogy information and how you use technology to advance your research.
- The interview will be over the phone/Google Meet/Zoom (your choice).
- You will not have to travel anywhere or meet the interviewer in person.
- We will be audio- and/or video-recording the interview.
- The interview should take no more than 60 minutes.
III. Risks
The risks of the study are minimal and are similar to what you would encounter doing everyday computer tasks like searching the Internet, writing a document, or checking email.
IV. Benefits
You will not receive any direct benefit by participating in this study. However, the study will help researchers develop software and techniques for genealogy research, collaboration and education. This could also benefit society by improving our understanding of genealogy work and human-computer interaction.
No promise or guarantee of benefits has been made to encourage you to participate.
V. Extent of Anonymity and Confidentiality
We may collect your name and contact information, but these details will be stored separately from the rest of your study data, and only the Principal Investigator and Co-Principal Investigator will have the ability to link them. We will use a numeric code instead of your name to refer to your study data. Information that might reveal your personal identity will be removed in any publications or presentations. At the conclusion of the study, we will destroy the link to your personal information.
The Virginia Tech (VT) Institutional Review Board (IRB) may view the study’s data for auditing purposes. The IRB is responsible for the oversight of the protection of human subjects involved in research.
VI. Compensation
You will receive $20 as compensation for completing the interview of the research study. No partial compensation will be awarded.
VII. Freedom to Withdraw
It is important for you to know that you are free to withdraw from this study at any time without penalty. You are free not to answer any questions that you choose or respond to what is being asked of you without penalty. Please also note that there may be circumstances under which the investigator may determine that a participant should not continue as a research subject.
Should you withdraw or otherwise discontinue participation, you will be compensated for the portion of the project completed in accordance with the Compensation section of this document.
VIII. Questions or Concerns
Should you have any questions about this study, you may contact one of the research investigators whose contact information is included at the beginning of this document.
Should you have any questions or concerns about the study’s conduct or your rights as a research participant, or need to report a research-related injury or event, you may contact the Virginia Tech Institutional Review Board at or (540) 231-3732.